CMA’s Frequently Asked Questions
We recommend enquiring about lessons from when your children are around four and a half years old. Our Kodály Musicianship Programme is ideal for younger children, as it is specifically designed to help develop the early stages of a child’s musical learning.
All lessons, classes, workshops, and masterclasses will take place at our schools: CMA Albany | CMA Epsom | Lewis Eady
Yes. We offer online lessons via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime. Online lessons will be subject to each student’s specific circumstances and situation.
All prospective students will be required to meet with the department coordinator of their selected instrument/s as part of the enrolment process. This meeting allows our coordinators to assess which teacher would most suit your child’s learning approach. Parents or guardians may be present to discuss further needs and concerns at this meeting.
Yes. Students of all ages and musical stages from our schools will have numerous opportunities to perform in public throughout the year. Our annual events include the Mid-Year Showcase (June) and the End-of-Year Showcase (November). Each department (i.e. Piano, Woodwind, String) will also hold showcase events.
The Kodály method is an approach to music education by Hungarian visionary Zoltán Kodály (1882-1967). Kodály believed that music is the birthright of every person and that the voice is the best and most accessible way for all to enjoy and learn about music. Our Kodály Musicianship Programme, launched in 2020, is based on these ideas. Sessions are characterised by singing, movement and joyfulness as children participate in sequenced activities carefully designed to lead children to a holistic understanding of music through ‘doing’.
No. For example, a missed lesson in Term 1 cannot be transferred to Term 2.