Robert Macpherson

Guitar • Established Artist


Robert Macpherson has been a teacher all his professional life, having taught the classical guitar to students aged five to eighty. In 1984, he established his own guitar studio, which he still operates today. Although he teaches one-on-one in his own studio, his work at schools and at Education Board music centres has also given him experience in teaching large and small groups.

After studying the classical guitar with Daphne Dobson, who taught the technique of Andres Segovia, Robert began arranging pieces from the popular, romantic, Latin, American and Jazz repertoires for the classical guitar. As well as enhancing his teaching material, this allowed him to perform extensively at themed concerts and other special occasions. Robert was the resident musician at one of Auckland’s leading restaurants, Cazador, for twenty-five years.

Robert has found that many of his students share his eclectic taste in music, so his own arrangements are included in his teaching repertoire and traditional classical guitar pieces. Through performing jazz, blues, and folk standards, his students realise that the classical guitar is as versatile as the piano. Robert’s development of classical guitar technique follows a clear and direct path, with students progressing from beginning pieces such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to the works of Bach, Albeniz and Villa-Lobos. For students interested in sitting classical guitar exams, Robert is very familiar with their requirements.


ALVIN PENG • Woodwind | Flute
